How do you feel about the use of blackface during a zoo event in Thailand?

  • How do you feel about the use of blackface during a zoo event in Thailand?

    Posted by Angelu on 10/10/2023 at 2:02 PM

    A celebratory event held at a major zoo in northern Thailand recently sparked a heated debate surrounding cultural insensitivity. The event, meant to welcome a baby giraffe and zebra to the Chiang Mai Zoo’s African animals’ section, drew significant attention due to the controversial portrayal of blackface by two zoo staff members. In the images and videos circulated online, these individuals were seen entirely painted in black, with vivid red lips, and dressed in East African shuka tartan. Their performance, which included bouncing up and down and chanting animal noises, raised concerns and ignited discussions about cultural awareness and respect.

    Critics argue that the use of blackface, historically associated with racist caricatures and offensive stereotypes, is deeply inappropriate and offensive. The incident has drawn attention not only to the actions of the zoo staff but also to the need for greater cultural sensitivity and awareness when organizing public events, particularly those involving representations of different ethnicities or cultures.

    News source: Coconuts Bangkok

    Angelu replied 1 year, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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