Sims Movie: From Screen to Cinema

  • Sims Movie: From Screen to Cinema

    Posted by Angelu on 21/03/2024 at 2:14 PM

    Get ready to see your Sims hit the big screen because a movie adaptation is officially in the works! And guess who’s leading the charge? None other than Kate Herron, the talented director behind the mind-bending Marvel series Loki. Teaming up with screenwriter Briony Redman, Herron is set to bring the beloved game to life in what’s shaping up to be a major cinematic event. Adding to the excitement, Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap Productions, alongside powerhouse producers Roy Lee and Miri Yoon of Vertigo Entertainment, are all on board to make this happen. With Electronic Arts also jumping in the mix, both creatively and on the production front, it’s safe to say that this Sims movie is gearing up to be nothing short of epic.

    Source: Hollywood Reporter

    Angelu replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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